Brand Ambassadors
We are proud of our team of Surf Wyoming brand ambassadors. Comprised of influencers, makers, disrupters, and thought leaders – they are incredible individuals who not only make us better every day but are dripping with limitless creativity and have become extended family members to our brand. They are subversively loyal and we love that they’re as passionate about Surf Wyoming as we are. Through their talents and their communities, this group of dedicated individuals tell our story and we tell theirs. Together we like to believe we’re helping make a difference.
Surf Wyoming Ambassador - Photographer extraordinaire
Craig is an east coast-born photographer based out of Laramie, WY. He splits his time creating portraits of musicians/artists and shooting editorial/advertising imagery, with an odd wedding or two thrown in for fun. Aside from exploring light with a camera, he seeks adventure in the wilds (aka – open spaces/austere reaches/lonesome beauty/Teddy Roosevelt’s “desolate, grim beauty”) of Wyoming with his wife Anika, and his furry companion Juno.
What’s your SURF WYOMING, Craig Okraska? “
I find my Surf Wyoming everyday though the lens of a camera.” – – Craig Okraska
You can see more of Craig’s beautiful work at the chromatic and on his instagram and fortunately for us – throughout our entire website.
Surf Wyoming Ambassador - Brand Quipster
Surf Wyoming Ambassador - Outdoorsman and Wyoming Enthusiast
Surf Wyoming Ambassador - Fly Fishing Guide/Philanthropist
Joey’s Fly Fishing Foundation is the vision of youth advocate and avid fly fisherman, Joey Puettman. Joey has worked with youth for several years as a mentor and Program Director at the Northern Wyoming Mental Health Center in Sheridan, WY. Joey has guided on some of the most beautiful public and private waters in the United States, especially close to home in Wyoming and Montana. He has also enjoyed fly fishing in numerous other countries. In 2007, Joey felt it was time to incorporate his passion for fly fishing and rod building with his desire to see youth achieve, build personal confidence, and help them explore opportunities they might not normally have. This led to the creation of Joey’s Fly Fishing Foundation. Joey’s is a nonprofit organization that delivers supportive relationships between children and qualified mentors that will lead to lasting relationships and positive learning. Joey’s strives to introduce children to the special and unique sport of fly fishing while fostering a lifelong passion and appreciation for the beauty of the outdoors. Learn more here.
What’s your SURF WYOMING, Joey Puettman?
There is nothing better than introducing someone to a wonderful and unique sport and to see the excitement in their eyes after they have caught a fish, on a fly rod they built with a fly they tied. Fly fishing is not only about catching fish, it can also be about finding yourself. – – Joey Puettman